Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Craving for nasi lemak bawang

I don't know why. I'm so craving for nasi lemak bawang. I named it nasi lemak bawang actually bcoz there are plenty of onion slice being put in the sambal. Which makes the sambal tastes sweet naturally.I'm so craving till I can't even focus in my training.(till that bad huh..)

Unfortunately by the time I arrived at the stall its already finish! Can u feel how frustrated I am? I'm so craving for it! But its already FINISHED!Demmit! And so after that I just go to other stall which I'm not familiar with. The chicken taste better then the nasi lemak bawang chicken. But the sambal tett..still can't beat the nasi lemak bawang. Pedas plak tu..huhu..Anyway, still acceptable because of the chicken..sedapp.. Alhamdulillah. Kenyang.. hehe..

Pic ni aku rembat je...sape punye..saje nak bg korg terliur plak hehe..


Anonymous said...


pelik pelik.

babe.tak sabar tunggu ujung bulannnn...

Ida said...

haha...jgn pk yg bukan2 ok..
eheh..aku plak rse berdebar..haha..mcm big day la plak..

Anonymous said...

aku pon berdebar..hahaha...